restaurant experience, I decided that moving
on was our best bet.
I sent out a quick email to the awesome guys
at The Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale to see if I
could get another night there. Two nights in
Clarksdale would be a great boon for us.
Like rapid fire, I got an email back saying
that the Shack I had reserved would not
be available, but there was another one
that I could get or I could stay in one of
"the bins". BONUS! We could get out
of Jackson and be on our way to the

First thing Wednesday morning, we got
packed up and I hit the front desk hoping
that I would not have to pay for a second
night that I wasn't going to be able to use.
The woman at the desk was quite nice and
asked how was my stay. I said it was fine
except for that gang of cockroaches in the
bathroom that partied all night. She was
horrified and promptly said that my stay
was free and apologized profusely! Yeah,
that was the highlight of my stay in that
We hit the road for Clarksdale.
The weather had turned cold and wet.
I'm an avid fan of the Weather Channel
and had been keeping vigilant watch on
what we could expect on the trip. This
was not in the forecast! EGAD!
No problem, I had a couple of long sleeve
shirts but no Winter shoes to speak of.
It would all work out just fine.
We got to Clarksdale and found our way
to The Shack Up Inn. Check out this
great video!