
New Year, New You?

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Does the prospect of finding a date for New Year's Eve
give you the blues?

I found these Yahoo Personals to be a great help.

What are your resolutions for the coming year?

Do you want to lose weight? If you've ever watched "The Biggest Loser"
on TV, then you already know just how inspirational it can be. I
know that gaining weight gives me the blues. So I'm about to blog
out my New Year's resolution and all the steps I take to make a
"New Me" in the "New Year".

Stay tuned for that. I will blog it on a different blog, so watch
for the link to come up at the first of the year.

I might just get myself back into the dating world again, who
knows? Although being more involved in the Music World is
really more like what I want to do.

I have a nice new Fender Acoustic guitar that I just love. It's
easier to practice on an acoustic while living in an apartment.
But recently I won a really nice pre-amp/pick up system for
an acoustic. It's so nice, it actually cost more than the guitar.
So I took guitar and pick up system down to one of the local
guitar stores today to have the two "married". This will
make a nice addition to my growing collection of guitars.

My resolutions:

Learn to play the guitar much better.

Quit Smoking

Lose Weight

Pretty ambitious, I know. Let's see how far I get with it.


This Should Be The First Post

A little about me:

I was born and raised in Beaumont, TX.

Sure it was a small town, but to me, that's a good thing.

I graduated from Forest Park High School in 1972. And
I was glad to be done with that.

I took piano lessons as a kid, went on to self teach myself
guitar, then took cello in Junior High and High School. I
considered myself to be a musician, although I wasn't
playing anywhere in a band or a solo act for money.

Let's skip ahead a few hundred years shall we?

In 1992 I was in a serious motorcycle accident. Serious
meaning a boat load of injuries, including broken bones,
lacerations, scraping all the skin from the right side of
my face and a closed head injury that left me unable to
play any of the afore mentioned instruments.

I had a bad case of the "black and blues".

Now almost 16 years later, I'm still in pain from some
of the joint injuries, cracked vertebrae and torn ligaments.
It's amazing how much pain can stay with a person for
such a long time.

Emotionally painful was the inability to play music anymore.

Yeah, it gave me the blues alright.

I spent 11 years in Boulder, CO and about 20 in Dallas, TX.
Did a 2 year stint in NYC. But after 30 plus years, I returned
to Beaumont to be with friends and family in the little city
where I grew up.

I moved down here to be in a slower pace. A town where
being partially crippled was easier to navigate.

Living on disability is boring and it's hard to make ends
meet sometimes. So I opened a little website called
Beaumont Live! where I post the music events of local
musicians, and run a little Internet Radio Station that
plays local talent.

I never monetized this effort, but that's still in the works.

I have met so many musicians from this area. All of them
really nice people. A few who have become good friends,
and a few who have inspired me.

One guitarist named Larry Tillery who never fails to blow
me away at any of his shows, inspired me to pick up the
guitar again. For that, I will be forever grateful to him.

Larry plays The Blues. I can't play the way he does, and
probably never will, but I can play the guitar again! He
also inspired me to open a second radio station that plays
"nuthin' but the blues". And that is probably how you arrived
here. http://bluescityradio.com/

Like I said, I've met a lot of great people in the local music
world and wouldn't trade any of that experience for anything.

I would like to acknowlege a few who have spent time with
me, supporting me in re-learning guitar, and encouraging
me to do the best I can.

Larry Tillery - Beaumont, TX
Charley Drumm - Hackberry, LA
Dobro Danny Hill - Beaumont, Ft. Worth, TX

Knowing them has enriched my life.